luni, 27 aprilie 2015

GREECE 9 days/2008

  Greece is the first country I ever visited and it will always remain in our hearts and the decisions that we took for this holiday were the best, inspite being skeptical at the beginning. :)
For transportation we used the bus, because it is a long way (13 hours driving) and a little dangerous to cross Bulgaria (the roads are not very good), with breaks at gas stations and restaurants. When we entered Greece, we stopped in Salonic, to visit the Saint Dumitru Cathedral and after we made a city tour. 
Saint Dumitru Cathedral

Saint Dumitru Cathedral's interior

Salonic Town

          When we arrived in Olimpic Beach, the bus stopped on the seafront and we stayed for a little to admire the beautiful and large beach, until the owner of the villa where we got accomodation came to pick us up. After checking in we went to the beach and splashed 'til evening.
         The second day, we went to the beach again, then we went to look for a restaurant. We choosed the first restaurant (all were located at seafront). The food was so delicious that we came here every day :) (1 plate of seafood with garnish+1 salad+1 juyce were 8 euro/person). I do not remember it's name, but it is the first restaurant from Paralia Katerini direction. In the evening we went to a bar on the beach, that had lit torches which gave it a romantic atmosphere.
Olimpic Beach

             The third day, after beach and having lunch, we rented scooters and atv's to go for a ride in Paralia Katerini. (1 scooter – 5 euro/day and 1 atv – 10 euro). Before the ride we went to a gas station to make the fill up with 20 euros.
            The fourth day, we choosed a one day trip to Meteora, bougth from a local agency for 25 euros/person. It is about 5 functional monasterys from a total of 24. They are constructed on smooth rocks up to 4000m resulting from the erosion of the masiff of Olympius and Osse. (entry 3 euro/person). At the base of the rocks you can visit the workshop where the icons are painted and sold.


              The fifth day, we went to the beach, we had lunch at the same restaurant and in the evening we went for a walk in Paralia Katerini, we visited the bazaar and we had dinner at a restaurant (1 piece of swordfish – 5 euro).
             The sixth day, we choosed a one day trip in Skiathos Island from a local agency, at the price of 40 euro/person. The trip whorts the money because the views are spectacular. The bus took us in the harbour, then 4 hours with the ferry. The captain's wife and kids entartained us all the way with traditional dances, we danced too so we were refreshed with a frappe at the end. When we arrived on the island we got 2 hours to visit it and to have lunch. We went to the top of the island, there was a beautiful church, we admired the view and we were amased by the fact that greeks respect village's arhitecture and the houses are built and renovated in the same style and color. We had luch in the harbour's restaurant where we had a whole swordfish for 6 persons, that means 10 euro/person. After those 2 hours we returned to the ferry and we were taken on the other side of the island where is a beautiful and unique beach called Kukunaris, small but with clear water, fine sand and a lot of pines. The captain gave us 1 hour for splashing, but when he sow that we were having a great time he gave us a bonus of 30 minutes :D.

Island Skiathos

Kukunaris Beach
               The seventh day, we stayed at the local pool, because the sun was very hot and with these occasion we got to relax. In the evening we went to a club and the girls received free entrace and free cocktails. For boys the entrance was 5 euro.
               The eighth day, that was the last one, we took advantage of the beach. It was a sad day. :)

Transportation – 55 euro
Accomodation 8 nights/apartam – 100 euro
Food – 120 euro
Miscellaneous (trips, rents, souvenirs) – 100 euro
TOTAL/person – 375 euro

marți, 14 aprilie 2015

SUNNY BEACH 9 zile/2013

      Am indragit de prima oara litoralul bulgaresc de cand am fost in Nord in statiunea Golden Sands (Nisipurile de Aur) si de data aceasta am revenit pentru a treia oara, in luna Septembrie, insa in Sud in statiunea Sunny Beach, care se afla la 2 km de oraselul Nessebar, unul din cele mai vechi orase din Europa care face parte din patrimoniul UNESCO. Ceea ce ne-a atras in principiu au fost plajele intinse si curate, marea foarte curata si raportul calitate-pret care este excelent.
    Am ales transportul cu autocarul care a durat circa 6 ore din Bucuresti si a fost foarte confortabil. Ne-a lasat in fata hotelului, ne-am cazat, dupa care am plecat sa exploram imprejurimile. Ca sa ajungem pe plaja am trecut printre dune de nisip, care iti lasau impresia pentru cateva momente ca esti in desert. :)

Statiunea este in continua schimbare, apar mereu hoteluri noi care mai de care mai moderne. Daca nu aveti mult timp la dispozitie pentru a o strabate de la un cap la altul pe jos, puteti alege sa inchiriati biciclete. In centru puteti vizita bazarul care este destul de mare si cu produse diversificate (de la imbracaminte, incaltaminte, accesorii, etc.) si parcul de distractii care nu trebuie ratat. :)

Intr-una din zile am luat autobuzul spre Nessebar (1 euro/pers/dus intors), localizat pe o peninsula si se trece printr-un istm pentru a ajunge la el. L-am luat la picior, am numai cuvinte de lauda pentru felul cum au pastrat bulgarii intacte: cetatea, casutele, biserica, stradutele, faleza. Initial orasul a fost mai mare, insa in timp si-a pierdut 1/3 din teritoriu, fiind acoperit de mare. Ne-am plimbat ore in sir pe stradutele inguste si pline de iz romantic si nu ne-am plictisit. Am gasit un barulet numit Eco Bar in care sa ne tragem sufletul foarte interesant, ascuns sub o casa, sculptat in piatra, care ascundea si o terasa minunata unde domnea linistea. :) 


Eco Bar

Statiunea Sunny Beach est perfecta daca doriti sa imbinati relaxarea cu vizitatul. Plajele sunt la tot pasul, iar vremea in Septembrie a fost numai buna. :)

Transport – 150 Lei
Cazare hotel 8 nopti/ultra all inclusive – 800 Lei
Diverse (bilet autobuz, suveniruri,etc) – 100 Lei
TOTAL/PERS – 1050 Lei