vineri, 12 iunie 2015

Old tradition – Alexandria's fair of Pentecost 2015

              Because I got home for Pentecost, my father cling to go to the fair to see the ever-present traditional products. The last time that I visited it was like 4-5 years ago. I remember that each year I was saveing money to go there for the carnival bumper cars and to eat candy on stick. The fair is held in the city's forest and I can say it's always been one of my favorite places in Alexandria, one of the places in where I go at least 1 hour to relax when I return home. I chose and I felt I had to share this article because I want my readers to know from where the blog writer comes from and that this little town called Alexandria is the single place where I can easily recharge my batteries.
              Well ... we walked to the fair because car access was restricted, since we entered we felt the smell of barbecue, on which the traditional “mici” were sizzling. Big crowd, people come from all over the county, the music could be heard from every bumper car and terrace, in the right side were situated the terraces with “mici” and beer, in the middle retailers with of sorts of products, from chineese clothing and shoes to traditional pots, ceramic dishes, wine barrels, wooden chairs, hoe handles or scythe, sickle handles, baskets for transporting grain, harnesses, “biciuşti” and other products homestead once very necessary and on left side there were all kind of carnival bumber cars. The land on which the fair is held it has not been refurbished, so I advise you to choose dark shoes.
             In my opinion this carnival is a joy for children and adults passionate about traditional products and I recommend it just for that.

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